Site Design
Unique Boise Site Designs

Whether it be for a personal event, your business presence, or sports team, the design is custom and is not done until you are happy to call it yours. The majority of sites are designed using either Joomla or WordPress which are CMS (Content Management Systems) platforms with the specific goal of presenting a site that a novice can update on their own if desired. TVWebDesigns is a Boise web design company with roots in the Treasure Valley.

TV Web Designs sites look great on any platform whether viewed on a full sized monitor, laptop, tablet or phone. Mobile users have now surpassed users of desktops in not only web page "views" but also when utilizing on-line shopping. Any successful web site needs to adapt on the fly to the differing devices being utilized and your site will be ensured to meet those requirements.

There are many factors in how long it takes a viewer to see your site. The web host chosen, network conditions for the viewer, and the coding behind the website all play a role. You won't lose viewers due to your site design. After the initial site build all code, images, database queries, etc. are optimized for the fastest loading experience possible. Great content is important but not at the expense of the average user who will leave a slow responding site.
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process by which most good coders ensure your website can be found by search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. There is really no secret to this process and while many variables play a role in where one "ranks" amongst other similar sites it is really just a matter of attention to detail and a bit of elbow grease. TV Web Designs will focus on your target audiences to ensure you are not lost in the crowd.

The vast majority of businesses on the internet are selling nothing but themselves. A great responsive web design with pertinent information that E-Commerce Cartloads fast is typically all that is needed to get your business out there. When a business also has individual products or services that can be sold directly over the internet then we are looking at some sort of e-commerce solution. The ability to accept payment methods such as PayPal to credit cards directly from your customers on your website to handling the order process, stock, shipping, etc. is multi-faceted and unique to each business. TV Web Designs has years of experience in working with whatever your needs are.

The goal of any e-commerce site is to maintain the look and feel of a coherent design whether the customer is viewing pages outside of the shopping cart experience or directly within the purchase options. Depending on the complexity of your business needs this can either be very straightforward to complex. We have great experience with integrating popular and effective shopping cart options such as Ecwid, ShopIntegrator and Shopify to what are considered "full blown" carts designed for large businesses with extensive needs such as X-Cart and Magento. With whatever option chosen your customers will feel at home no matter where they are on your site.

We should operate on the assumption that success is the goal and with that success comes the expansion not only with the volume of your business but what your website can do for you. There are great low cost solutions to get your web presence off the ground that allow you to offer products and services directly and many of those solutions will grow with you. If you've reached the point where you need your site fully redesigned with a platform that can deliver beyond what your current shopping cart offers TV Web Designs can accomplish this for you. Based on your needs we will recommend the cart solution for you with the overall cost of doing business in mind.

SEO is the process of making ones web site easily readable by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. These search engines periodically "visit" individual web sites and dig through it in an attempt to index/categorize it so it will show up on their listings when particular words are searched for by end-users. SEO shouldn't be confused with paid advertising. There is really nothing mysterious about SEO though there are many aspects to the algorithms used by search engines in how a site ranks. Optimization really refers to building a web site to take advantage of these algorithms to help list the site at or near the top of search results for the desired audience.
There is no ready answer to that. You will place as high as possible. Let's say you are a roofer in the Boise, ID area and you want a site developed that is easily findable by potential customers. We can deduct several possible terms a customer would search for but "Boise Roofing Company" would likely be a common search term. If you "own" the domain name of you have a leg up on that term for the domain name has a lot of weight in the indexing algorithm. Whoever has that domain if they know what they are doing in regard to SEO would be hard to knock off of the #1 position but that is also not the only search term that would be used and as well it is feasible to be right up there with it in regards to rank if we wanted to focus on the same search term used. That is a straightforward example and there are tools of the trade that can be utilized and will be discussed. It should be recognized that search engines such as Google change their algorithms quite often for many reasons the least of which would be to generate income for themselves through their paid advertising channels. If a company can invest $0 and be ranking at or near the top why would they invest those dollars with Google? TVWebDesigns will not guarantee rankings based on what is not controlled by anyone other than Google, for example, and anyone involved with SEO should be very honest about that. The methods to ranking can and do change though a solid base will lead to better future results. Rankings are really just a snapshot in time and while continued maintenance is offered where SEO can continually be looked at the measure of a successful web presence is the transition of a viewer to customer. Regardless, TVWebDesigns will be your partner to a successful web site presence...what good is a great looking site if it can't be found?

TV Web Designs is not a paid for SEO entity. That is, what we build is already optimized for search engines as part of our service. Part of the design process is simply discovering what you want your target audience to be and focusing the back-end code around that so your web site will rank as high as possible with that audience. There is no need to invest in 3rd party SEO companies who essentially sell a service that is already done for you.

The example above is based on a search that includes "Boise" for a reason. Though not true of all web sites and needs, local searches by the end user are extremely common and it is typically important to incorporate the locale while fact, many of the search engines base the search off of a potential customers current location and return results without having to enter in "Boise". This does not mean if say, your business is actually in a neighboring town such as Meridian, ID, that it would be overlooked but including the major nearby metro area cannot be ignored. With the majority of searches being done by mobile/phone users now and with many searches incorporating tools such as Google Maps TVWebDesigns has your back.
Web Site Hosting

TVWebDesigns will build you a great website whether you need it to be hosted or not. If you would like it hosted be confident that it is in good hands with maximum uptime running on secure servers within a secure environment. The only websites hosted are ones which are created or altered by TVWebDesigns which allows for trusted code(and customers) to exist in our environment. has been utilized for years as the data center (we utilize their Dallas, TX center) due to their unmatched ability to maintain our serving needs. All servers are running Linux with a back-end control panel for each customer.

Not only are most of the web sites created by TVWebDesigns regardless of who you decide to host with utilizing a CMS back-end for easy updates the server environment itself if hosted incorporates CPanel for a wide range of control. Whether you'd like to create brand new email addresses for your domain to setting up auto-responders or have direct access to the visitor logs so you know exactly how many and who is visiting your site that is all readily accessible. For the more advanced users direct access to any database your site may be using to setting up Linux Apache PHP MySQLautomatic cron jobs are all a part of the CPanel experience as well.

Server Software:
- AlmaLinux 8.9
- Apache(2.4.x)
- PHP(8.2) - Capable of running multiple versions of PHP per site needs though all sites are built to be PHP 8.2 compatible.
- MYSQL(8.0) - Most sites utilizing a database backend are created with MySQL. Other options are available such as Postgres or MariaDB.
Regardless if TVWebDesigns hosts your site or not it can be maintained for a nominal monthly or one time fee. The goal with the end result is to present a web site that can be updated by most users if needed whether it be image related to updating text throughout. If not comfortable with such updates(or perhaps the effect it can have on SEO) the maintenance of the site includes image sizing and optimization to ensure fast loading times to textual work as your needs may change.